“Return Trip” Contemporary Garden

By Rodolfo Lacquaniti
“Return Trip”, a global project of artistic expression that unites
differents creative experiences.

Guided tours of the "Return Trip" Garden can only be booked by calling 3355247472.

Writes the critic Mauro Papa

Rodolfo Lacquaniti architect, the artist is the creator and implementer of “Return Trip”, a reverse path towards the reality of the genetic code. Return trip is a global project of artistic expression that unites diverse creative experiences related to a single goal, to urge the people to become aware of their vital and primordial nature, freed from the anguish and the superstructures imposed by an ambiguous concept civilization. It ‘a route that was born in the countryside of the farm Podere il Leccio in loc. Buriano in the town of Castiglione della Pescaia. With his installations made with waste materials and recovery, Lacquaniti provides new meanings those objects that the production cycle has excluded from the common conception of value and value, standing firmly against the prejudice that recognizes as useful only what ‘and’ functional to the production process of consumption.